2 may 2012

Reduction of /s/: NM Spanish vs. Mexican Spanish

After I finished my presentation I remembered there were a few more things I wanted to add haha. The main thing was that they survey was based of Labov's work on the social stratification of department stores in New York. Instead of looking at the social stratifications of the local stores in ABQ, I looked at the social factors which could influence the reduction of /s/. 

The second thing I wanted to mention was that: The dialect varieties of Spanish in NM have not been studied as much as other areas, so it was difficult to prove if the Spanish spoken in Albuquerque’s Mexican “geared” community stores favored or sustained the dialect used in Mexico. This is not to say that the results in this study incorrect but possibly infer that the numbers have a correlation to Lipski’s idea that dialect variations have made it difficult to differentiate them.

 Also, I wanted to go into more detail on the data that was found for the 3 main factors (gender of employee, age of employee, and the 1st vs. 2nd response) but it would have taken too much time.I will be posting my paper on either this blog or my other blogger page so you guys can take a closer look on these results.

I hope you all enjoyed my presentation! This was my first time doing this kind of research so I was not sure how it would come out! If you guys have any questions please leave some comments or suggestions!

Thanks,Justin Aragón

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