6 may 2012


Quiero compartir una historia que me sucedió hoy. Estaba muy tranquila comiendo en un restaurante y de la nada una persona me comenzó a sacar platica. Bueno realmente esa persona quería decir lo que pensaba más no creo que estuviera interesada en escuchar lo que yo pensaba jaja. Comenzó a decirme que tenia no se cuantos hermanos y que uno de ellos se acababa de ir a España a estudiar español. Yo rápido pensé y por qué a España pero no tuve que preguntarlo para saberlo. Rapidamente me dijo que ellos son de Republica Dominicana y que cuando llegaron aquí a Nuevo Mexico se dieron cuenta que la “poca” gente que habla español no lo habla bien y que el mejor lugar para estudiar es España. Yo me quede como grrr, rápidamente sentí que tenia que decir algo y le comencé a decir pero la persona tenia sus ideas tan arraigadas que lo único que causo es que me dio tristeza saber que también hay personas que desprecian el español NM :( 

PR :)

Después de haber tomado esta clase creo que en todas partes puedo aplicar lo que aprendimos. Este fin de semana estuve en un lugar donde había un grupo de personas y me fue imposible no pensar en lo que estaban diciendo. Uno de ellos mencionó que él era puertorriqueño pero no igual que los que estaban en la isla porque él era puertorriqueño neoyorquino, que sus padres lo habían traído cuando era un niño. Dijo que el se sentía “RARO” y que era difícil su situación. Que por vivir aquí en los Estados Unidos ya él no podía ser igual, que ya había olvidado un poco el español pero que intentaba hablar con sus abuelos para poder estar conectado con “su gente.” Me pareció muy interesante lo que estaba diciendo y ganas no me faltaron de decirle que su situación es más normal de lo que él imagina. Me sentí feliz de saber que hay personas que valoran el español y que están orgullosos de su cultura :)

4 may 2012

Resolana - Colcha!

Annette Gutiérrez Turk teaching students the colcha stitch.


Carmella colcheando :)

I thought you all might enjoy these photos I took at a Resolana a couple weeks ago. Both SSL and SHL students (and their teachers!) had a lot of fun learning how to do the "colcha-stitch" from a knowledgeable and very patient nuevomexicana! Annette's family has been in NM for many generations - close to 20 if I remember correctly. We all started to get the hang of it by the end, but we didn't do a quarter of the work she had done. She dyes and prepares all of the wool she uses through a multiple step process that requires days and hours of labor. Thankfully, many of our students said they planned to go back home to their abuelitas and ask them to teach them more about this beautiful art form. The older generations need to pass it down to us younger folks otherwise, it will die out...

3 may 2012

Bilingual Artists and The Effect on Language Maintenance

So I "dabble" with music in all aspects. I write lyrics (raps), make instrumentals, and experiment with mixing genres. I have always liked to make it when I have free time, make it to relieve stress, and about a year ago to memorize stuff needed for tests lol.

One of my Spanish professors for 302 was really into poetry and music and was telling me a good way to use spanish is to write poetry and use it in a beat I make. I really liked this idea because some of the artists I like do the same thing (Pitbull, Baby Bash, Romeo Santos, just to name a few). For me its just to help me work on my pronunciation and language maintenance but these mainstream artists are making a huge impact with their use of Spanglish.

It used to be that artists speaking spanish would make albums for that audience and if it became successful then maybe songwriters would translate the lyrics to english (extremely difficult to do, I tried doing that with one of my songs in english to spanish and spent the whole semester trying to figure out rhyme schemes to match what I was saying in English). But with that in mind, I think artists like (Shakira and others) started making albums that were in spanish or english specifically, and wrote lyrics for the songs that could easily be translated to keep the pattern nearly identical. But now that Spanglish is being used in these songs artists are taking advantage of this!

Since these artists are having success on the radio and switching between the two dialects it makes me think people are now willing to accept Spanglish as a language and use it. To me spanish sounds much smoother than English (I think its because Spanish has the highest peaks of pronunciation in the middle of words or phrases, where as English seems to have a harsh pronunciation at the end of the word) and even better when it is mixed in a song! On the other hand, it could be that people only like the beat of the song and do not pay attention the language switching that is taking place. Either way Spanglish is getting poured into the one of the biggest markets (entertainment) and is having major success.

Whether this music is playing in a night club with "Anglos or Mexicans" who cant speak/understand a lick of either language they are still enjoying the music. Could this lead to those people wanting to learn how to speak the other language so they can enjoy the lyrics? What about people who know some of the language, either one, is it maintaing the language in a bigger perspective?

Anyone have thoughts about the use of Spanglish in music or the entertainment realm?  Sorry if this is somewhat disorganized but it just had me thinking!

Justin Aragón

2 may 2012

Reduction of /s/: NM Spanish vs. Mexican Spanish

After I finished my presentation I remembered there were a few more things I wanted to add haha. The main thing was that they survey was based of Labov's work on the social stratification of department stores in New York. Instead of looking at the social stratifications of the local stores in ABQ, I looked at the social factors which could influence the reduction of /s/. 

The second thing I wanted to mention was that: The dialect varieties of Spanish in NM have not been studied as much as other areas, so it was difficult to prove if the Spanish spoken in Albuquerque’s Mexican “geared” community stores favored or sustained the dialect used in Mexico. This is not to say that the results in this study incorrect but possibly infer that the numbers have a correlation to Lipski’s idea that dialect variations have made it difficult to differentiate them.

 Also, I wanted to go into more detail on the data that was found for the 3 main factors (gender of employee, age of employee, and the 1st vs. 2nd response) but it would have taken too much time.I will be posting my paper on either this blog or my other blogger page so you guys can take a closer look on these results.

I hope you all enjoyed my presentation! This was my first time doing this kind of research so I was not sure how it would come out! If you guys have any questions please leave some comments or suggestions!

Thanks,Justin Aragón

1 may 2012

La presentación de Karla y Ruben

I just thought I´d take a quick sec to blog about some questions I didn´t have time for.  Me gustó mucho la presentación sobre Linguistic Landscape en Nuevo México.  Por supesto me gustaron mucho las otras presentaciones también, pero quiero blogear sobre esa.

Pienso que es un proyecto interesante.  Siempre miro los signos en Walmart y Lowes etc cuando están en español porque pienso que la politica bilingue de una corporación (demostrado por los signos y públicos) nos enseña las opiniones de una companía pero también de la región en que se queda.  También estoy de acuerdo con Karla y Ruben con la idea de que el tipo de español (especialmente si no es un dialecto real ni el estándar) muestra si a la companía le importa la gente en el area en que viven sus clientes.  Pienso que si no es un dialecto real, que es un desprecio a la gente.

No sé, pero estaba pensando después y durante la presentación, y eso es lo que pienso.

29 abr 2012

Otro video que estaba queriendo compartir desde hace algunos días es este. Primero que nada es un resumen breve de lo que es el español y el por que de su gran trascendencia sin embargo me parece interesante que en todo el video no se mencione en ningún momento la gran cantidad de personas que viven en Estados Unidos y que hablamos español. Creo que de alguna manera no se le está dando la importancia que se merece. Es necesario que se tome en cuenta que el español, aparte del inglés es el idioma que está uniendo naciones no solamente de habla hispana pero en general (no solamente en Europa como lo dicen aquí). Si se menciona el español de Cataluña por que no se puede mencionar el de Nuevo México, si ambas tienen historia y trascendencia :) 



Al estar haciendo el trabajo de investigación final para esta clase, me puse a pensar como es que en otros países se valoran tanto otros idiomas. Me pareció interesante ver como es que en Tokio por ejemplo los anuncios no oficiales son multilingües. Esto nos muestra que existe una solidaridad en la población. En lo que he leído me di cuenta que estos anuncios no solo están en cierto sector de la ciudad pero por todas parte. Mientras tanto, aquí en Albuquerque (siendo el español un idioma con tanta historia en esta área) hemos encontrado que hay segregación en este sentido. En el norte de la ciudad no hay esta variedad de anuncios bilingües (o sea que se esta dando por hecho que no es necesario incluir a esta población de habla hispana), mientras que solo en el sur de la ciudad encontramos anuncios monolingües del español y bilingües. Seguiremos investigando

27 abr 2012

My friend myrlin (rapper/poet) from Arizona

Hey Class,

So this is my friend Myrlin Hepworth from Arizona. He has lived in three places during his life: New Mexico, Idaho, and now Arizona. He is a really good poet and brings up a lot of questions in his poems about culture identity. Reminded me of the conversation we were having yesterday about "what do you consider yourself?"

I am going to post the link to the radio show he was on, it is kind of long but you can download it or just listen to it all on the link! Hopefully you all will enjoy.


here is a direct link to his poems page and the poem I was talking about!!

Around 6:30 and 23 min are his two sections where he raps one of his songs and does a poem! 

Justin Aragon

Community involvement

This morning Damián, Miguel, Sam and I took about 50 of our Spanish 112 students to East San José Elementary school. This was our second semester taking our students there to read children's books to them in Spanish. As you all know, we teach this level without a textbook. Instead, we use Spanish and bilingual libros infantiles! For their final project, they are required to write, illustrate and bind a children's book and take it to the elementary school to read to 1st and 2nd graders. As with last November, today's visit was another hit! It is so neat to see our students interacting with these kids. Everyone of our students comes out of the classroom beaming not only because the kids are so cute but because they just carried out multiple conversations with these kids in Spanish!

It is also so uplifting to see these 6 and 7 year old kids so incredibly bilingual. As we talk in class about language maintenance, its great to see that these young kids are maintaining the language and that our students are learning (and sometimes relearning) the language in an authentic setting. All of the signage around the school is in both languages and the teachers all speak in both languages to their students. Many of my students kept commenting on how cute the school was and they wished they had gone to elementary school like East San José when they were little so that they could be bilingual now as well. Many of the kids corrected my students as they spoke, but my students took it well and knew that they were only trying to help.

One of the most rewarding parts of the experience was when one of the 1st grade teachers pulled me aside and said that she really appreciated having us there because it is great for these kids to look up to college students. She said many of these students come from broken families whose brothers and sisters normally do not attend college. She said the school is always looking for volunteers and college-age role models! I told many of my students this information and they asked a few people about volunteering next school year. Hopefully they will!

As we were leaving one of the little boys even said to a group of girls from my class, "You may speak funny, but at least you can still read." :) I guess we did well when we read exactly what we had written in our books but when it came to "freestyle" conversation, we spoke funny! I think child honesty is the best!

26 abr 2012

SO much truth in political cartoons

I found these two political cartoons today and I thought they related to what we were talking about today in class as far as racism and the problems we are still dealing with everyday. Pretty heavy stuff.

Por Esto Me Gusta Tanto Mi Idioma!!!!

Unos de mis chistes favoritos Mexicanos:

1. Le comenta un hombre a alguien en una boda:
     - Oiga, ¿se fijó que horrible es la novia?
     - ¿Qué le pasa? ¡No se exprese así, que es mi hija!
     - ¡Uy! ¡Perdone, no tenía idea de que usted fuera el padre!
     - No soy el padre, soy la madre

2. Me puse el pantalón de rayitas... y Rayitas se quedó sin pantalon

3. Hola, ¿hablo con el verdugo? 
    - Sí.
    - Por favor, no me cuelgue!

4. La maestra está dando una clase acerca del renancimiento italiano. Entonces pregunta: 
    - Dime Juancito ¿Por qué muchos de los pintores más famosos son italianos?...
    - Porque nacieron en Italia.

5. Se encuentran dos amigos y uno le dice a otro. 
    - Qué alegría... tanto tiempo sin verte! Me dicen que te haz convertido en un fanático de la computacion... ¿cierto?
    - Sí... mouse o menos.

6. Hola, ¿el doctor Mata? 
   - Si, ¿que desea?
   - Cancelar una cita.

7. ‎-Un turista norteamericano pide un sopa en el restaurant, y con su fuerte acento se queja:
    -¡Camarero! ¡Hay UN mosca en mi sopa!
    -No es UN mosca, es UNA mosca
    -¡Caramba! ¡Que buena vista tiene!

8. Jaimito le pregunta a su papá:
    -Papi, ¿cómo se siente tener un hijo tan guapo?
    -No lo sé hijo, pregúntale a tu abuelo…

9. Llegan 2 niños a la kasa d su amigo y empiezan a Gritar! "Anzina!! anzina!! anzina!!"
Y sale la mamá muy enojada.. "Ya les dije k mijo no se llama Anzina! Se llama Jelipe!! Y Anzina kero que le digan."

10. ¿Cuál es el objeto más gracioso que existe? ......La escoba.
     ¿Por qué? .......Porque siempre Va-Riendo…

11. ¿Que es una bodega? .......La mamá de los bodeguitos

12. Paciente - "Doctor, soy asmático, ¿es grave?"
      Doctor - "No amigo, es esdrújula."

              Y mi favorito de todo tiempo.....

13. El borreguito le pregunta a su mamá... "¿Mamá, puedo ir al cine?"

      La mamá le contesta.... "Behehehe"

¡Q'Viva! The Chosen... language maintenance??

I have been reading all the blogs these past few days and feeling sad for not having participated the way I should have. It has happened in other classes where a blog was used...I somehow allow the whole semester to go by before facing my fears and realizing that its not hard at all and actually could have been an awesome way to connect, share, and communicate.  I dont feel good at these online type formats and always feel nervous to post stuff...  my opinions. Although I feel fine voicing my opinions in person, somehow when its in writing it feels more scary...like its stuck in stone and you cant go back and alter things or explain things or have that instant response and discussion like in face to face communication. But now, reading through the blogs... I am surprised (pleasantly) to see so much dialogue between the students.  ANYWAY, throughout the semester I have had things I wanted/meant to blog about, and this was one of them,,,

One random night while I was doing homework and my boyfriend was watching TV he flipped to a reality show that had Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. He stayed watching it and what ended up distracting me and drawing me away from HW and into the show was the fact that I heard a lot of Spanish being spoken. The show is ¡Q'viva! The CHosen, and shows J-Lo & her ex traveling around Latin American finding local talent and giving the CHosen airplane tickets to LA for a big competition. I guess the winner gets their own show in Las Vegas (Not exactly the artistic capital of the world..more of a spectacle or something...oh well). Anyway, what was interesting to me was the bilingual nature of the show. You have Marc Anthony & Jennifer talking in both Spanish & English, while all of the contestants speak Spanish. Instead of over dubbing which is the norm in American media, subtitles are used. Also, its interesting to hear Jennifer's Spanish which is different from Marc's or the contestants. She is a heritage speaker and I was happy that she actually used Spanish instead of English, even though Ive read in an interview with her that growing up she felt bad that her Spanish wasn't good.

I was surprised. Could this be a sign of moving toward maintenance in mainstream media?? ALthough the show premiered on Univision, it is now on air in 21 countries across major tv networks in North South & Central America.  We were watching it on FOX, which apparently is the English version of the show. Still, the voices speaking spanish way outnumbered those in English, and, like I said, subtitles were used...

Although Marc Anthony & JLo may be from the world of commercialized mass media and entertainment, I still thought it was cool to see and hear Spanish on this show... so theres that.


Ok.... so yesterday SB1070 was brought before the Supreme Court, and being that the majority of the "viejitos" are conservative, they actually sided with Arizona's Law.....   OK... so if we look at the law itself, then it is very cut and dry... HOWEVER... no one was talking about what is actually happening.
I happened to come across this article about How SB1070 is being used and implemented.


The most that was mentioned yesterday was that it can take up to 70 minutes to detain someone to investigate legal status.  WHY WASN'T THIS BROUGHT UP?????     WTH is happening here?!?!

You all know how I feel about this nastiness, and I'm so worried about my family over there, all of my cousins, aunts and uncles that are legal and they have to watch their backs just because of what they look like..... NASTY!!!

********I officially digress. My next post will be a nice fluffy and feel-good posting **********


25 abr 2012

Café-con-leche public space?

Carrie and I were revisiting the idea of "white public space" for our project and began to wonder if we were encountering "brown public space" or even "café con leche" public space. I suppose these would be defined by the dominant language--Spanish only, or Spanglish only? Do you guys feel that you encounter spaces where it would be rude to approach a stranger and speak English? Or spaces where to really know what's going on, you have to be bilingual? Would that be enough to constitute a different space, or does the overarching hegemonic power of English override all other spaces? Personally, I think there are pockets all over the nation of other kinds of space--South Valley, Chinatowns in various cities, Miami to name a few big ones. Any thoughts?

Also, at a soccer game this weekend, I really enjoyed noticing the strong bilingualism of many players and the revelation of bilingual spectators when, for example, the keeper yelled at one of his players "juega con la cabeza!" and the reply came from the sideline, "No buey, con los pies!" Everyone who laughed was bilingual!