19 mar 2012

Experiences in Las Cruces

During the break I went down to Cruces for a few days to visit my sister and go to a wedding. While there, I got the chance to spend some time with an 81 year-old woman from Cruces named Josie. I wanted to share a couple of things she said that I found interesting. I wish I had paid closer attention to her code-switching, but I was too fascinated by her jokes and home remedies. I have bunions which are getting more and more painful, and I happened to mention this to Josie. Well, her solution just might be the most interesting remedy I've heard in a very long time. She told me she used to have bunions too, but was able to get rid of them after a month by soaking her feet in vinegar and water, and then, after thoroughly cleaning a quarter, placing it on the bunion and securing it by wrapping tape around the foot. I've soaked my feet but have yet to use the quarter. I'm excited to see what happens!!  Later she told this joke which I can't really do justice, because you must hear it from miss Josie in a New Mexican Spanish accent, plus I can't remember exactly how she said it, but I thought I'd share what I can recall because it's really cute. 

Un dia unos viejitos van a la casa de otro viejito para visitarlo y consolarlo despues de la muerte de su esposa. "Como esta amigo?" le dicen. "Poco bien", el viejito contesta, y empieza a llorar y recordar a su esposa, describiendo como era a sus amigos. Pues mientras el viejito recuerda a su mujer, empieza a llorar mas y mas, tanto que se le salen las babas de la boca hasta el suelo. Uno de sus amigos, viendo eso quiere ayudar y le dice, "Amigo, y la baba?" "Si..." contesta el pobre viejito entre lagrimas, "y planchaba tambien."

For some reason I thought this was the greatest joke and I couldn't stop laughing!!

On another note, because we've been talking about code-switching and borrowing, I wanted to share something I heard on the street. I was walking out of a restaurant and I overheard a woman say to her friend, "Te hace exfoliate tu skin." I wanted to tell her how cool she is but decided against it. :)

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