29 mar 2012

Will Ferrel all Spanish Interview.. Insults Dora the Explorer....

I think Will Ferrel is one of those guys who can do or say anything and never get in trouble for it. There is something innocent in those eyes.... hahaah. Jimmy Kimmel and him do an interview all in Spanish about "casa de mi padre" and it's great. Link below.

 I think language is funny sometimes. You learn a second one and a lot of times you end up laughing at it a lot.. not at the language itself but the things that are culturally different and I think when you translate it back in your own language literally that is where the funny stuff happens. My friend from Bosnia likes to listen to rap music and translate it directly into Bosnian and ends up at his job, all alone at his desk, with headphones on hearing stuff like "rollin'" and picturing a skier tumbling down a slope while hearing the music y le mata la risa.  See if you can pick anything out in this interview... which by the way, totally makes fun of stereotypes..

Watch it to the end for the explosive Dora the Explorer insult!
 Will Ferrel on Jimmy Kimmel

7 comentarios:

  1. I thought this was really funny!! Haha I think Jimmy has a better accent overall, but Will Ferrell definitely rolls his r's better. I am somewhat impressed -- did they memorize this?!!

    He really can say anything and get away with it. I am glad he is - in a weird way - promoting Spanish!

  2. Él es demasiado gracioso, en inglés, en español y supongo que en cualquier idioma. Estoy segura que en otras clases esperarían que comentara sobre las palabras “misóginas,” “ racistas,” etc., con las que se refiere Will Ferrell a Dora. Sin embargo, creo que para todo existe su momento y tenemos que aceptar cuando algo se dice con un excelente sentido del humor.

    Estoy de acuerdo con Christi, aun que sea una manera diferente (rara), están promoviendo el español (el público en Estados Unidos está comprando boletos para ir a ver una película en español). Esto es muy interesante. Cuando fui al cine me quede asombrada de que las personas que no entendían muy bien algunas bromas por el idioma se interesaban en investigarlo. Al final de la película un hombre me escuchó hablando español y se acercó a preguntarme algo que no había entendido. Al final me dijo “Si así es de divertido el español debo aprenderlo lo antes posible.”

  3. This one was interesting..... I had not planned, nor do I plan on watching that movie because there are certain boundaries which I will not cross, and ultimately Will Ferrel's movies have gone beyond my boundaries.
    HAVING SAID THAT.... Christi, you're right, whether I like what they're doing or not, they are promoting the spanish language..... in a weird way! But, they're also promoting other stereotypes... i.e. the Chihuahua... the firing of guns during laughing.... and WTH is the deal with the guys in underwear? No Entiendo todo eso... pero....
    Karla, estoy muy de acuerdo contigo también, porque todo esto se dijo en buena onda, y no se debe tomar muy en serio. Y si al final de todo, cuenta a nuestro favor.. pues ¿Qué mejor? ¿No?
    .. pero de todos modos no voy a ver la película.. jaja

  4. Me dio risa, la entrevista con Jimmy Kimmel, y sí, como Christi, quiero saber cómo lo hicieron.
    ?Habla Jimmy Kimmel español? Hacen cosas tan raras--tal vez están burlando de las estereotipos, por ejemplo, con el hombre que es de Salt Lake City y no habla español. Quiero ver la película, a ver por donde va y cómo reacciona la audiencia. !Que bueno que alguien preguntó a Karla una clarificación! ?Puede ser que por fin nos estamos llevando por adelante la enseñanza de Español en este país? Vamos a sobrepasar the First Semester of Spanish Spanish Love Song??!! Pero sí, todo de una forma tan rara...

  5. YESSS! That is what I was thinking Ashley.. the guy being from Salt Lake City was one of the things that was breaking a stereotype! And the guys in underwear... I don't really think they had much to do with anything besides being something really stupid to laugh at.. also it wasn't busty women hahaahah. Ruben, that is the thing about Will Ferrel, he makes everything stupid in English, so why not make everything stupid and exaggerated in Spanish too? I like that really stupid kind of humor so it strikes a chord with me, but I do understand things being beyond one's boundaries. Glad you guys liked the interview!

  6. Dang, I don't know about that Will Ferrel. In my opinion, he is not that funny, much less in Spanish. However, I am glad that they are speaking Spanish and promoting the language and breaking stereotypes, that's cool! Maybe those who like to imitate Will Ferrel might also like him speaking Spanish, and may want to imitate that as well. Maybe it is a marketing scheme? Que bueno.

  7. I had a few extra minutes in my class the other day and so as a Resolana/Extra credit opportunity, I am giving my class the chance to go see this movie and write a reflection paragraph on it. I showed the movie trailer and then this interview with Jimmy Kimmel. My students thought it was absolutely hilarious and definitely want to go see it! I asked them, do you think this is offensive? It was a unanimous no.
