27 mar 2012

?La casa de quién?


Ok, Will Ferrell is starring in a new Spanish-language film, La Casa de mi Padre, that is obviously meant to be hilarious. All of the co-stars are native Spanish-speakers. In an interview with Jon Stewart, Ferrell insisted that he did NOT learn Spanish for this role, but that the Spanish he speaks in it is very good (he's been told). What do we make of this??? Is mock-Spanish moving into mock-an-entire-culture in a feature-length film? What do ya'll think? I think we need a class trip to the theater to make a proper assessment.

7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Oh my gosh. I had to watch the trailer before answering this post. I honestly don't know what to think. On one hand, I'm sorta impressed Ferrell spoke Spanish throughout the whole film, but I hope he isn't doing it to make fun of the language itself even if he is totally making fun of the culture (but what doesn't he make fun of?). He makes a fool of himself to make fun of everything! I hope this was done with good intentions. It could be very entertaining and funny! Definitely a movie I would wait to rent from Redbox...

  3. Fui a ver esta película sin esperar algo en particular, simplemente por diversión. A simple vista podría parecer un mal film sin embargo en mi opinión tiene un propósito en específico (es sumamente positivo y mucho mejor porque lo hacen de una manera cómica). Primero, me parece que se dirige a un público (principalmente que reside en Estados Unidos) pero que es conocedor de las malas telenovelas y también de las películas mexicanas/latinas ramplonas de las décadas anteriores. Para las personas que desconocen estas novelas y películas no tiene por qué ser obvio que se ha creado una sátira de las malas producciones a las que está acostumbrado el público hispano.

    Antes mencioné que creo que se dirige principalmente al público de habla hispana en los Estados Unidos porque constantemente se ha mencionado que el migrante intenta remediar la nostalgia por estar lejos de su país refugiándose en lo que le proveen los medios de comunicación. Las telenovelas y las películas de décadas anteriores son una manera de mantenerse conectado a su cultura, pues millones de ellos no tienen la oportunidad de estar en un contacto directo. Sin embargo no por eso dejan de ser sumamente malas jaja. Por esto mismo, no me sorprende que sea Will Ferrell un personaje principal, con él se busca llegar a la cumbre de lo que es el propósito de la película: lograr la desfamiliarización, hacer sentir a este público que la realidad va más allá de lo que proponen esas novelas y películas (podría decir que se insinúa que son el opio del pueblo). No hay mejor manera de producir este choque cultural para recapacitar que por medio de un personaje americano imitando su cultura, su idioma.

  4. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I really want to because I'm a fan of Ferrell. Since being in this class, I feel like I'm more aware of negative attitudes and the notion of mock-Spanish, and I thought the same thing when I saw the movie preview. Is this mock-Spanish? Is this promoting a certain perception/stereotype of Mexicans? I think you can make a good argument for that, but you can probably make a good argument about anything really. It just depends on your punto de vista and the data/evidence you have. I think Karla has an interesting point that it's meant to be a satire of a certain genre, and those who aren't familiar with it probably won't understand the point. We should definitely go check it out as a class!

  5. hahah.. I really liked it! No, it is not mock Spanish because Will Ferrel is speaking legit, "grammatical" Spanish. He learned everything sentence by sentence and does really good. He is the hero of the movie. In fact the "Americanos" are the bad guys. Mock Spanish would be just adding "o" to stuff like. We're going-o to the store-o en the carr-o. Interesting though.. I think even Mock Spanish has grammatical rules or tendencies!

    Here is a preview of the faceoff between Ferrell and Nick Oferman. It's awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJwRSeBs3kg

  6. Thanks for your input! Pero, tengo una preguntita más. Si el propuesto de la película es sátirica y que la gente hispana recapacite las ideas de la nostalgia para su cultura y las ideas aesteticas, ?no sería una forma de americanizar? Is it like saying "look at this from OUR perspective? See how funny/absurd it looks? Ha, ha, ha!" ?Qué piensan?

    I definitely want to go see it!

  7. Well really Will Ferrel is the only one that is a gringo pretending like he is mexican. He said he always just wanted to do an all Spanish language movie. He makes fun of everything though... I think he can even take things that don't look absurd and make them look absurd... haha. The rest of the actors are mexican, Diego Luna, Gael Garcia Bernal. They have done some interviews about it that explain your question pretty well. You should look them up!
