6 mar 2012

Now I Really Don't Like Arizona!!!

My brother moved his family to Arizona a few weeks ago due the growing job market in AZ. Even though they were going to miss New Mexico, their home for the last 20+ years, they were excited for the possibilities and change of scenery. My brother came back with my sister-in-law and nephews to take care of a few loose ends this weekend and they were horrified, mortified, terrified, and extremely upset at what they found over there..... blatant, hard-core, unashamed, racism by "whites" agains anything hispanic.

1. My Luli, my sister-in-law, is a second generation US Citizen, and even though she transferred from the Wal-Mart here, the Wal-Marts in Phoenix did not accept her transfer once they saw her and spoke to her. They asked her to step outside of the office and sent her home. They then proceeded to retract her transfer.

2. They asked for TRIPLE ID because they were unwilling to accept their NM Driver's Licenses..... they might be fraudulent.

3. No one has returned my brother's phone calls for employment, even though he is still young and has over 20 years experience as a automotive wholesaler and repair shop administrator. When he's gone to check on his application, the positions were filled with white people with less experience than him.

4. The school system has refused to accept my nephews until they provide full documentation of their schooling in NM. Their unofficial transcripts and school id's are insufficient. They are asking for full letters of reference and official transcripts from their current school.  WTF?????

5. Luli was horrified that the racism was being propagated on the evening news, when they reported on
how establishments should check NM Id's for authenticity. WHAT THE??????

OK.... They are HardCore Racial Profiling!!!

In spite of all of this, and shockingly enough, I was expecting them to say they were coming back....
I egged them on and asked what they were going to do.... they laughed and said had decided to stay!!!
WHAT THE?????   WHY?????

My brother's answer, resounded forcefully by Luli and my nephews (twins 16yo) was that they were not going to be intimidated by anybody, and once they got situated they were going to fight back!!


Anyhow, this very much resounded with the sentiment that has prevailed among Hispanics in that area for decades and decades. All of a sudden, the polemics, disparity, and language of dominance has hit very close to home and become much more real to me. In the long haul, I know that the situation will eventually change, however it is still extremely sad to see that we're not welcome in Arizona....

6 comentarios:

  1. Ruben, this upsets me so much to hear this. For years I have been astonished by the blatant racism and invention of ridiculous laws by Arizona. Back in 2010 we were protesting in the streets in Ohio with SB1070. I could not believe that a bunch of backward, crazy ideas were actually being enacted into law.

    I've figured out why I've had such a hard time enjoying life in the SW. Besides being robbed 3 times I have found that most of my complaints have come from racism that I've seen here. (Can't say experienced because I didn't personally, rather what I have seen happen to my friends). For some reason I had this idea that NM was this awesome rebelde, middle finger to Arizona. My idea was not quite accurate. Yes, I guess if you are comparing to Arizona, NM may seem a little bit like that.

    There are real issues here. What saddens me is that this state has a majority of hispanic people but this group still faces so much oppression. And then if it isn't the hegemonic culture ("white" if you will) you still have hispanic people hating on other hispanic people. What is the deal? I guess it is that human tendency that we all have to be like "well.. I am not like THOSE ones."

    I commend your brother for not backing down. That is awesome. You have every right to be proud. And this makes me happy to live in NM and excited to take part in a change for the better in this country. And it will come eventually. Keep fighting!

    I will gladly put my finger up to Arizona while reading a copy of "Bless me Ultima."

  2. But seriously though... we need to hop on that librotraficante train. Arizona is insane and in need of some schooling!

  3. Híjole.... I wanna take my wife to AZ and get pulled over with just NM IDs so that we get detained. I think it would make national news for a district court judge to get detained there. I dunno if she's up for my civil disobedience though. Still..... que jo**** es vivir allá

  4. Wow....I don't think the seriousness of the matter really sets in until you hear stories like these. I can't imagine being treated like that, and it's incredible that they are willing to stay and fight back!! I really hope things get better for them and that they are able to make a difference.

    On another note, you are too funny, Profe!!!

  5. Woow, que cosas tan negativas fueron a experimentar tus familiares en Arizona. De verdad que es de admirar su valentía en optar por quedarse ahí a pesar de todo. Me pongo a pensar, todos estos son obstáculos muy grandes para cualquier persona hispana en este estado, sin embargo cómo será de difícil para las personas indocumentadas que tenían tantos años viviendo en este estado, que pensaban tener un trabajo estable, que estaban cumpliendo su sueño de comprar una casa… que tristeza que se deshumanice a un ser por el simple hecho de no cumplir con ciertas características raciales. Peor aun cuando se ha comprobado que el ser humano es 99.9% idéntico, y de ese 1% que queda marca la GRAN diferencia de rasgos físicos :(
