17 abr 2012

Census Data: Pro Obama or Republican Candidate?

So after looking at the Census data the other day I started thinking about the upcoming presidential election. Im not really a fan of politics at all but just thinking of what these numbers can do when combined with politics is crazy!

Arizona sparked some interest because of the huge rise in hispanic/spanish population over the last ten years. This being said, I figure that Obama's campaign team will put much more effort in their efforts to win a state that is traditionally republican.

Could this also be an early sign of who wins its all?

What about the data showing an overall growth of "hispanics" in the United States?

Does this mean Obama has a higher percentage to be re-elected because it is "said" that hispanics are generally Democrats?

(FYI) I do not vote so dont take me to seriously on this post! lol

4 comentarios:

  1. I see your logic here and yes, it makes a lot of sense! The only loophole I can see here is that although the Census data might show a large number of Hispanics in the US, it doesn't mean that all of them will be eligible to vote because of documentation. This could mean that even if the majority of a state like Arizona agreed to vote for Obama, the raw number of votes might be considerably less than expected. No matter what, you are right. The Hispanic population will have a large impact of the outcome of the elections in November.

    One question I have is, do poll participants have to be registered voters like those that participate in primaries? Or can anyone, including non-registered voters over the age of 18, participate in a poll? If anyone can participate, that could falsely reflect what the actual voting outcome will look like in November.

    I am not great with politics either, but hopefully this made sense! :)

  2. Justin!! You gotta start voting, man!! Its when smart people don't participate that we end up with ludicrous policies like...lo de Arizona! Ok, ya no te regaño más pero...!qué votes, hombre!

  3. Lol, I would vote to to choose my lobbyist's and thats about it! They are the ones that fund "their" campaigns and those presidents have to pay them back if elected. Just seems like every president that gets voted for never does anything they strongly push for in their speeches.

    Also, popularity vote should be used! What is the point of the people voting when it comes down to electoral votes??

    If i were to run the election i would follow the principles like American Idol or The Voice! More people vote for those shows than they do for elections (myself included)! Have them face off on National Television and let the people decide who they really think is better!

    This is a Democracy right?

  4. Ok, tienes un punto. But you better run for office! :)
