17 abr 2012

OK.... So Someone Said Something.... OMBERS!!

So, more towards the beginning of the semester several of my colleagues and I sparked a conversation before class.... or after class..... I just remember that it was cold..... and it was about the illegal Mexican immigrant's demanding of rights... 

The basic argument: They're here illegally, why are they demanding "rights"... They don't have rights. 

Well, this has been the problem all along, they are treated as if they have no rights whatsoever... not even basic human rights. 

The issue is that the people out demonstrating out in the streets, in spite of being here illegally, have been imbedded in the American economy, American society, the American Internal Revenue System, American Pop Culture, American Work Labor, and every single aspect of the American Life. 

And this embedment has been a lasting one. The majority of the people that are demonstrating have been here for decades. They have paid taxes, they have had children that are now graduating and going on to college... And Even More So... They have been law-abiding residents.. with the exception of not having legal status. One of the main arguments is that they... actually "we", because I is one... reformed, but I'm still a wetback.....   are leeches and a drain in the system. This has given rise the Jan Brewers and the Arpaios of America to commit horrible and unconstitutional acts against us, just because we are seen as leeches. 

Well, if it wasn't for people like "us"... then very many businesses would not exist today; El Taco Tote, El Camino Radio Station (95.9), Alamo Transmissions, Healthy People Gireh, Above & Beyond Crime Scene Clean Up, and countless other businesses that have been established by immigrants that started out as illegal and eventually pushed through to legal status. 

So the atrocities that have been committed against my people have not stopped us... and we just want to recognition for our contributions. 

So.... just to add to the crap that "Americans" are talking about people like me...  then check this out... 

Ralph DeMattia says:
If they are here illegally, I DON’T CARE who takes advantage of them! They’re criminals and should be tossed out. We spend billions each year on them, taking away money from Americans, then we have to watch these pieces of filth prding down our streets, waving MEXICAN flags and complaining about our immigration laws. THEY AREN’T TOUGH ENOUGH!
Illegal immigrants, usually mexican, must be harshly dealt with or legal immigration will vanish and all we’ll have left is THEM
Taken from:  http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=956280693484866476#editor/target=post;postID=6740145727408609847

And just balance this nasty and negative article, let's talk about the contributions, and not only focus on the costs: 
So..... I'm sorry that I was here illegally... 
I'm sorry that I broke your laws.... 
I'm sorry that my family is "filth".... 
But at the end of the day... I'm Here... and We're not going away.... if you don't want me.. then don't take my money. 

1 comentario:

  1. AbsoTUTLEY! The economist did a GREAT article years ago. It might have been 2008 or 2007. It was a big feature. Can't find it so here is a short: http://www.economist.com/node/21526893.

    Immigration good for economies? WHAAA?
