3 abr 2012

NM Tourism ad


Did you guys see this? I didn't hear much about it, but cuentame and pocho.com called out NM!

2 comentarios:

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing Ashley, that is some sad racist campaigning on the part of New Mexico! The last quote from the Santa Fe New Mexican shocked me as it read "They (Native Americans), along with dark-skinned people, EVEN take vacations." What? Pardon me? You mean, they too have lives, families, and like to experience new things and places when possible. Of course they do, everyone does. Great, that's cool. The problem arises when someone says we only want these people (with certain physical characteristics) to come to our state and visit. Last I checked the only thing that mattered to the tourism agency of New Mexico was revenue, whether that money came from a light skinned person or a dark skinned person didn't matter. Money is money. When did their focus shift? What is the real issue here? Maybe, if the tourism agency of NM continues promoting these types of radical ideas of who should and should not come visit our state we may soon end up promoting another radical idea: limiting the freedom of people to EVEN take vacations, sending these "dark skinned people" to work in the cotton fields or sugar plantations.
