8 abr 2012

Y La sinvergüenza de la Martinez, ¿qué pondrá en el censo para raza?

It was really interesting to read the study by Hudson etal (1995) concerning the four different language maintenance measures because they show and point to what we, as Mexicans, have said for a very long time... that once you lose your language then you've lost your identity.... "Se les olvida quién son y de donde vienen... ya no se fijan en el nopalote que traen en la frente y ahora se creen gringos porque hablan inglés." - Salido Family, et. al (1970s) 

It is also, extremely interesting to note that Mitt Romney's family comes fro Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, MX, where they moved to because they were polygamist mormons, and they fled the United States to flee religious persecution and legal problems because of their religion... (HUH! Kinda sounds like another story I've heard about) The Hilarious part about this is that Nuevo Casas Grandes also happens to be where my family settled as well!! And guess what? My family knows their family!! 
And guess what, his cousins in Mexico are calling him a traitor and they are saying that he has forgotten where he comes from as well.

The issue that I take with all of these people, and what is happening with immigration is that there are so many of use here that have deep deep roots that they can not just be erased or ignored, or stigmatized to simply obtain power and prestige. For example, what is happening in Arizona is not really about illegal aliens, it is about the hard and fast desire of the few oppressing a marginalized minority and abusing their power to persecute said minority. Case in point, my legal family in Arizona now has to deal with serious racism because of their skin color (I'm one of the few in my family that doesn't "look" Mexican). So... since there is such a large hispanic presence in Arizona, I ask myself if they actually voted for Jan Brewer, Michael Hicks, and Arpaio. Or, did my fellow hispanics that have forgotten where they come from vote for these people? ... I don't know... 

But I do know that the illegal immigrants are a minority and the inhumane tactics to single out illegals spreads onto everyone that does not look like Brewer, Hicks, and Arpaio. 

What is incredibly striking about the article is how the conclusion from the study reads directly into the article about Susana Martinez's family history that I've included below.  Hudson etal state in p.182, 
     "The higher the educational level of the Spanish origin population in any given county, the lower the loyalty and retention rates for Spanish are likely to be."    
     "These relationships testify all too starkly to the linguistic cost of social, political, and economic integration into mainstream society. The disproportionate representation of Spanish claiming communities in the lower socio-economic strata of American society may to some degree safeguard them agains the full effects of linguistic assimilation, but to the extent that they gain more open access to quality education, to political power, and to economic prosperity, they will do so, it seems, at the price of the maintenance of Spanish, even in the home domain." 
      And since, language is culture, then Martinez has lost her culture.

.... You're a racist, a bigot, and you do not represent me Madam Governor. 


4 comentarios:

  1. Que fuerte...I think we should discuss this in more detail on our blog day. There is so much to be said about this that I can't even begin to express it here!!

  2. Que buenos comentarios Ruben, gracias por compartir!
    I thought it was interesting to note that in the article here about Susana Martinez it states that she is the nation's first Latina governor. Hmmmm, I am not sure if she chose that label herself or if someone suggested she use Latina as a part of her political campaign. I agree with you Ruben, I am not sure she would even call herself a Latina. I do know, however, that she negates any contact with immigrants that come here without documentation, including her grandfather. OUCH, way to sell out the family for political advancement. Or more likely in the Governor's case it is political regression?
    No se muy bien la politica de Susana Martinez o lo que ella representa, pero a lo mejor ella tampoco sabe jaja. Que lata!

  3. I agree with Carrie and can we make T-shirts that says "Susana Martinez Sucks?" While we're at it can we make some pants that say "Jan Brewer" on the butt? Everyone will go to Victoria Secrets trying to buy them like "where do I get the Jan Brewer butt pants?" hahahah.

    *crickets* COME ON GUYS!?

  4. NO really though... Kim López had a student who got Susana Martinez tattooed on her rear so she could sit on her. Jan Brewer butt pants aren't that crazy of an idea!
